Please see the list of providers associated with our center. The patient and their providers are responsible to elect and determine which services and planned procedures will be authorized to perform based on their intended payment plan and policies. The facility’s billing department is always available as resources for the patient pre-procedure for assistance at 239-566-5748.
Physicians & Providers Contact Information
Dr. Jeffrey L. Zimm
1435 Immokalee Road
Naples, FL 34110
(239) 592-5511
Naples Pathology Associates
P.O. Box 166324
Miami FL 33116
(866) 512-6639
Dr. Katrinka Heher
1865 Veterans Park Drive,
Suite 201
Naples, FL 34109
(239) 596-1388
Dr. John Nassif
1435 Immokalee Road
Naples, FL 34110
(239) 592-5511
North Naples Anesthesia
1005 Crosspointe Dr. Suite 1
Naples, Florida 34110
Dr. Lynn Byerly
661 Goodlette Road North
Suite 105
Naples, FL 34102
(239) 262-6288
Dr. Nadia Kazim
6610 Willow Park Drive
Suite 104
Naples, FL 34109
(239) 266-2381
Dr. Paul M. Rougraff
661 Goodlette Road North
Suite 105
Naples, FL 34102
(239) 262-6288
Lab Corporation of America
PO Box 2240
Burlington, NC 27216-2240
(800) 845-6167
Dr. Austin Coleman
10661 Airport Pulling Road
Suite 12
Naples FL 34109
(239) 597-2792
Dr. Giselle Martin
3455 Pine Ridge Road
Naples, FL 34109
(239) 597-5700
Dr. Stephen E. Smith
7955 Airport Pulling Rd N
Suite 104
Naples, Florida 34109
(239) 593-7747